Summary: The tenancyOS grand vision is an affordable lifestyle of co-living with housing, EV ride share, solar energy, co-working and food, in a localised subscription network. Starting locally by forming tenant associations, leasing long term residential housing agreements for their members. Members access upfront discounts buying credits in advance. Payments are invested to make member lifestyles more affordable & enjoyable. The more members pre-pay the greater the savings from reduced costs of debt finance & equity profit extraction.
TenancyOS future-credits has a 3 tier structure of Regional Asset Trust Funds, Contracted Operators & Consumer association network and extends to external operators & secondary market which make use of the future credits which are transferable, convertible and fully redeemable (year by year).
who? housing tenants; visitor, short, medium & long term.
what? members pay rent through a common agency fund
pay rent in advance; mutually invested to provide housing
where & when? begin now locally & extend regionally,
plan & organise, syndicate nationally & internationally.
why? steady & growing cashflow leads to housing portfolio
housing portfolio shared by members for rental cost reductions
how? associate, credit union, automated debits & rent payments
shared equity in housing, energy, EV transport, co-work & food.
Co-owned energy & storage, reduce costs & fossil fuel burning.
Shared electric vehicles & charging, sell car; invest in EV credits.
Co-working spaces for members, collaborate, learn, innovate...
“It takes a community to raise a village”
Houses are too costly to alleviate the housing crisis.