A three stage process, boosted by a further three.

(1) Starting with tenants associating to form head leases - long term & favourable, on behalf of their members. Demonstrating a couple of years of cash flow (rental payments). Starting a rent insurance and savings fund.

(2) The association forming a housing cooperative, capable of entering into debt finance based on demonstrated cash flow & savings and capable of receiving grant opportunities.

(3) In order for the first two pathways to become much easier for new local communities to form, organise at a regional & state level to standardise & lower the costs for compliance & registration, a common organisation acting as an auspice & fiscal host to local chapters.

Any local community can break away from the network, perhaps start their own network, if they choose. Standards and pathways made available openly, a public good.

(4) Those that stay receive seed funding from participating chapters which have begun to save from lower rental payments, contributing to the common seeding fund.

(5) Adding complementary services such as car sharing and co-working, bulk buy groups could lower cost of living and foster small business and employment opportunities.

(6) This leads to forming a larger network of community investments, a network which activates locally but organises regionally.


Universal Basic Assets / stakeholder approach, beyond UBI decay loop

tenancyOS future-credits / eco housing + energy + ride + work + eat

Can Capitalism be Civilised? bit.ly/civil-capital

***** Housing in Australia *****

122,494 people were estimated to be experiencing homelessness at the time of the 2021 Census.

In 2021, 3.8 per cent of all Australian households are living in social housing (i.e. state owned and managed public housing or community managed housing) (2021 ABS Census)